مسؤلون كبار أمريكيون سابقون في الإدارات الأميركية يرحبون بدعوة الكونغرس الأمريكي للسيدة مريم رجوي

نحن الموقعون ادناه نرحب بقرار اللجنة الفرعية للإرهاب ومنع انتشار الأسلحة النووية والتجارة في اللجنة الخارجية للكونغرس حول دعوة السيدة مريم رجوي لإدلاء بشهادتها حول التطرف الإسلامي في جلسة الإستماع للجنة.
السيدة رجوي باعتبارها إمرأة مسلمة داعية لقراءة متسامحة وديمقراطية عن الإسلام وللحريات الفردية وفصل الدين عن الدولة والمساواة بين الرجل والمرأة وترفض تطبيق شريعة المتطرفيين وهي نقيضة لحكام إيران المعاديين للمرأة ونقيضة لجميع المتطرفين الإسلاميين.
ان التجربة التي تحظى بها السيدة رجوي باعتبارها شخصية قيادية على رأس حركة شعبية مناهضة للدكتاتورية الدينية الحاكمة في إيران، تجعلها شخصية مناسبة للإدلاء بشهادتها حول هذا الملف الهام.
هذا ونشرت حركتها عام 1993 كتابًا بعنوان ” التطرف الإسلامي، التهديد العالمي الجديد”. انها حذرت مرارا وتكرارا من اخطار هذه الظاهرة المشؤومة طيلة سنين مناشدة بإقامة جبهة متحدة لمواجهة التطرف الإسلامي.
كما تعرف حركتها بالاطراف الاوائل التي كشفت عن المواقع النووية السرية التابعة للنظام الإيراني.
For Immediate Release
April 28, 2015
Former Senior U.S. Government Officials Welcome Congressional Invitation to Maryam Rajavi
We the undersigned welcome the decision by Subcommittee on Terrorism, Nonproliferation and Trade of the Congress Foreign Affairs Committee to invite Mrs. Maryam Rajavi to give testimony at a hearing on the issue of Islamic extremism.
As a Muslim women advocating a tolerant and democratic interpretation of Islam, individual freedom, separation of religion and state, gender equality, and rejecting the implementation of Sharia law, Mrs. Rajavi represent the opposite of the misogynous Iranian regime’s rules and all Islamic fundamentalists and extremists. 
Mrs.  Rajavi’s personal experience in leading a popular movement against the religious dictatorship ruling Iran make her the right person to give testimony on this important issue.
Her movement, published a book in 1993 called “Islamic Fundamentalism: The New Global Threat”. Over the years, she has repeatedly drawn attention to the danger of this ominous phenomenon and called for a united front against Islamic fundamentalism. Her movement is also credited with being the first to expose the secret nuclear sites of the Iranian regime.
Hon. John Bolton- Former UN Ambassador
Hon. Linda Chavez -Former Assistant to the President For Public Liaison; Chairman of the Center for Equal Opportunity
Hon. Howard Dean – Former VT Governor, DNC Chairman, Presidential Candidate
Lt. Gen. (Ret.) David Deptula –
Former Deputy COS For Intel,
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance, 
U.S. Air Force
Hon. Louis J. Freeh – Former Director FBI
Hon. Rudy Giuliani – Former NYC Mayor, Presidential Candidate
Hon. Robert Joseph
Former Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security
Hon. Patrick Kennedy – Former Rhode Island Congressman
Colonel (Ret.), U.S. Army Wesley M. Martin – Former US Military Commander for Camp Ashraf, Senior Antiterrorism Officer – Iraq
Hon. Michael B. Mukasey – Former US Attorney General
Hon. Mitchell B. Reiss (Ret.) – Former Ambassador,  Special Envoy to the Northern Ireland Peace Process
Hon. Edward Rendell – Former PA Governor, DNC Chairman
Hon. Tom Ridge – Former PA Governor, Secretary Homeland
Hon. John Sano –  Former Deputy Director CIA National Clandestine Security
Hon. Eugene R. Sullivan –
Retired Federal Judge
Hon. Robert Torricelli – Former NJ Senator
Hon. Frances Townsend – Former Homeland Security Advisor to the President
General (Ret.) Charles (Chuck) Wald- Former Deputy Commander U.S. European Command
September 2014
Requirements for safety and security of Liberty residents until resettlement outside Iraq
1. Recognition of Camp Liberty as a refugee camp under the supervision of UNHCR and recognition of residents’ status as refugees and protected persons under the Fourth Geneva Convention.
2. Annulment of all oppressive decisions by the Maliki Government taken against the residents of Ashraf and Liberty, and the referral of Liberty’s dossier to agencies and individuals in the Government of Iraq not acting on the order of the Iranian regime or its affiliated groups.
3. Guaranteeing the safety and security of the residents by the United States, which according to the quadripartite agreement of 16 August 2012 “Commit[s] to support safety and security of the residents until the last of the residents leaves Iraq,” including provision of security and protection requirements to the camp against ground and missile attacks such as returning the T-walls, protective helmets and vests as well as medical equipment.
4. Termination of the prison conditions in Liberty, and allowing freedom of movement according to numerous UNHCR statements.
5. Transferring all armed Iraqi individuals and their weapons and equipment to the Camp’s outside perimeter.
6. Complete removal of the siege on Camp Liberty and ensuring standards and requirements of normal life according to articles 1, 2, 3, 4 of Third Section of the MOU signed by the U.N. and the GoI on 25 December 2011 (1).
7. Connecting Liberty to the national power grid and sewage network at the residents’ expense.
8. Providing the necessary fuel and logistics by relevant Iraqi ministries, to be sold to the residents at the rates available to Iraqi citizens, and residents’ free access to the purchase of all goods and services that Iraqi citizens are allowed to procure in accordance with the agreement between Ambassador Bremer and Prime Minister Allawi, General Miller letter to the representative of the residents 25 June 2004 (2).
9. GoI’s agreement to allow the residents to sell their moveable and immoveable property in Ashraf and Liberty, as well as permission to open a bank account to transferring the proceeds of the sale to them.
10. Releasing the seven Ashraf hostages and conducting a UN investigation into six massacres in Ashraf and Liberty, and bringing to justice the perpetrators of these crimes, especially those who ordered and carried out the September 1, 2013 massacre at Ashraf.

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